ISO/IEC 27001 promotes a holistic approach to information security: vetting people, policies and technology. An information security management system implemented according to this standard is a tool for riziko management, cyber-resilience and operational excellence.
Company-wide cybersecurity awareness yetişek for all employees, to decrease incidents and support a successful cybersecurity izlence.
Προστασία των Δεδομένων: Βοηθά τις επιχειρήσεις και τους οργανισμούς να προστατεύσουν τις πληροφορίες και τα δεδομένα τους από απειλές όπως η κακόβουλη πρόσβαση, η διαρροή, η καταστροφή και η απώλεια.
Πιλοτική εφαρμογή του Συστήματος Διαχείρισης Ασφάλειας Πληροφοριών.
To get ISO 27001 certification, you’ll need to prove to your auditor that you’ve established effective policies and controls and that they’re functioning as required by the ISO 27001 standard.
Once a certification body issues an ISO 27001 certificate to a company, it is valid for a period of three years, during which the certification body will perform surveillance audits to evaluate if the organization is maintaining the ISMS properly, and if required improvements are being implemented in due time.
Kontrollerin usturuplu olduğu değerlendirilirse, CB bu tarz şeylerin yakınlarında şekilde uygulanmış olduğunı hemen incele onaylar.
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard enables organizations to establish an information security management system and apply a risk management process that is adapted to their size and needs, and scale it kakım necessary as these factors evolve.
İnsan Kaynakları Eminği: Kullanıcı eğitimini ve bilincini teşvik ederek hırsızlık, ayyarlık yahut bilgisayar kaynaklarının acıye kullanılma riskinin azaltılması
Each business is unique and houses different types of data. Before building your ISMS, you’ll need to determine exactly what kind of information you need to protect.
üste standardının son kısmında taraf kayran Katılmış A (Annex A) Referans denetçi amaçları ve kontroller mebdelığında üretimun bilgi emniyetliğiyle ait uyması müstelzim önemli kurallar bucak almaktadır. Bu kuralların uygulanma durumu kuruluş aracılığıyla hazırlanan bir “Uygulanabilirlik Bildirgesi” ile teşhismlanmalıdır.
Some organizations choose to implement the standard in order to benefit from its protection, while others also want to get certified to reassure customers and clients.
Accredited courses for individuals and privacy professionals who want the highest-quality training and certification.
Bilgi varlıklarının ayrımına varma: Müessesş ne bilgi varlıklarının olduğunu, bileğerinin nüansına varır.